Sunday, 28 October 2012

I want to punch me in the face

I've spent the past couple of days doing a video production and editing course and as part of this I had the experience of seeing myself talking on video for the first time since the late 80s. Playing back interview transcript audio tapes is bad enough but that's just my voice. This was horrific and I now quite understand why I have very few friends and many people dislike me from the first moment they meet me. I've never really bought the concept of me being posh - I feel no identification whatsoever with people like David Cameron who as far as I am concerned are the sort of people who either cut me dead at university for not being their sort or just laughed at me. However on the evidence of this video (we were all filmed talking about our pet hate - I chose neighbour noise), I think I may stay home with a ball gag and a paper bag over my head for the rest of my life. It's the only considerate thing to do. If only Cameron would do the same.


  1. I think you've got a nice voice. But watching/listening to yourself is always torture. I wonder how Hollywood stars cope with seeing themselves on the big screen, no matter how gorgeous they are.

  2. I started doing some broadcasting this year and worked on my voice. I started talking in a more measured,slower way. People have said that it has made a difference. Fortunately it's only radio.

  3. I sympathise - I can scarcely bear to watch myself. Excruciating.

  4. I don't understand your criticism - I wouldn't say you sounded particularly posh. You sound _educated_ but I suppose in the failing state that is Blair's Britain these things will conflate. But if you want to challenge yourself around this, I was talking to Laura McCracken the other day and she sent herself to stand up comedy school. Let me know when you're down South next and I'll fix up lunch.

  5. I was thinking about doing a comedy course but it hasn't really appealed this year, due to my currently totally absent sense of humour.
